Our Impact

By focusing on diaper need, the Idaho Diaper Bank (IDB) works to meet the basic needs of Idaho children and families. Our vision is to ensure every diaper­ wearing person in Idaho has access to the diapers and diapering supplies they need to remain clean, dry, happy and healthy. This includes babies, the elderly and anyone else who may need diapering supplies. Our mission is to collaborate with community partners throughout the state to mobilize efforts to make a difference in the lives of the 53% of Idaho babies aged three or younger who live in poor or low- ­income families.

IDB received its 5013c status in April of 2014. The remainder of that year we distributed 44,000 diapers to 4 partners, We had 100% growth in 2015 with 100,000 diapers and  20 partners, and in 2016 we distributed 300,000+ diapers to more than 30 partners around the state. Our partners, who receive our diapers each month, include churches, food pantries, and domestic violence shelters, to name a few. We are distributing nearly 50,000 diapers into the community and throughout Idaho each month.

Helping Idaho Families on the Path to Success

The Idaho Diaper Bank strives to serve as a sustainable, central resource to help Idaho familes. By helping to provide families with access to concrete basic necessities such as diapers, the Idaho Diaper Bank is helping build stronger families and reduce the adverse early experiences many Idaho babies are experiencing.

A Family’s Access to a Reliable Supply of Clean Diapers Leads to:

Healthier Communities

Dirty diapers can make us sick and spread hepatitis A, viral meningitis, and severe bacterial diarrheas. Not having diapers adversely affects a mother’s feelings of self worth and can negatively impact the mother-child bond.

Happier Babies

Frequent diaper changes prevent painful diaper rash, loss of appetite, staph, urinary infections, renal failure, and more. Negative child experiences can also impact development. Access to clean diapers is an essential BASIC NEED.

Financial Independence & Early Education

A supply of clean diapers are required to attend most early childcare programs; without them, children miss out on educational opportunities and parents can’t attend work or school.


What We Do to Meet the Need

  • 45+ partner agencies distributing
  • An average of 50,000 diapers distributed per month
  • An average of 500,000 diapers distributed annually.
  • An average of 1000 babies served each month
  • Cultivating volunteers to become ambassadors, to help with diaper drives, and warehouse needs
  • Engage the community to grow public awareness and motivate people to get invovled.


We couldn't do all these amazing things without help from the community. To find out how you can contribute to relieving diaper need in Idaho, visit our How You Can Help section.